Citizens’ Assembly
Public Information Event

Wednesday, May 31st, 2023
6:00pm — 8:00pm
Contois Auditorium

Citizens' Assemblies: A Tool For Better Democracy in Burlington & Beyond

Citizens' assemblies are a promising antidote to the polarization, short-term thinking, and partisan gridlock that have come to define modern politics across the world.

They are panels of everyday people chosen by lottery to learn deeply about, thoroughly discuss, and finally offer policy recommendations to government on ways to address a public issue.

Join us for a Citizens’ Assembly public information session with Burlington’s own Terry Bouricius, a globally known citizens’ assembly theorist, and Alex Renirie, Program Co-Director at Healthy Democracy — one of the leading organizers of citizens’ assemblies in the USA.

The event will kick off with apple pie and a musical introduction from Hannah Hannah!

Add your name here for a free, no-spam reminder(i.e. we won’t contact you about anything else unless you ask)


This event is in-person but Zoom is available to ensure accessibility. Sign up here for the Zoom link

[email protected]
EIN: 85-2616981
266 Pine Street, Suite 207
Burlington, VT 05401